Sitemap - 2009 - Politically Incorrect News

This car thief won't need a private investigator!

Cellphones posing problems in courts across the Country.

The Scientific Working Group on Digital Evidence.

Collaborative research of corporations, watchdog website.

The Innocence Project has published 27 case notes concerning wrongfully convicted people across the U. S.

Free private investigator monthly podcasts.

Major airline companies flying different planes across the country, what are the safety implications?

The New York State Police crime lab comes under scrutiny, are there more across the country?

Three dangers of posting information on social media websites.

Is the air toxic near hundreds of schools across the nation?

DNA gaps found in databases across the country.

Pawnshop capital of the Northeast in Salem, NH?

A MySpace date and a burglary

Are attorneys, prosecutors & judges friends on social networking websites?

Was a public defender mistreated in a New Orleans, Criminal District Court?

Gangs are using Facebook, MySpace and other social networking sites to post their information.

Private investigators and Attorney's who need to identify an informant, should check out this website.

Sim card readers for as little as $17.00 and other equipment.

Moving Scam watchdog website

Phoenix, AZ: A dentention officer, reports to jail after defying a Judge's order.

MA state corrections budget on the rise.

How did Kennethe Howe die? Attorney Frances A. King claims the police beat a suspect to death.

The mayor in Spring Hill, TN threatens city employees with possible termination if drug results are leaked to the media.

MA state police crime lab facing backlogs on cases.

Google Scholar a new law search engine.

Virtual cop to run police lineups in the future?

The 2007 National Institute of Justice survey of law enforcement forensic evidence processing.

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers Releases Preliminary Recommendations on Strengthening Forensic Science.

More people are seeking to have their criminal records sealed or expunged.

A Chicago private investigator is under investigation for supposedly paying a witness.

The Supreme Court to decide on prosecutorial immunity involving false testimony.

Scent lineups called into question how accurate are police or drug dogs?

Crime mapping is a new website that tracks crime in your neighborhood.

Are the police in San Jose, CA. using "Resisting Arrest" too often when dealing with suspects?

The Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth.

Smartphone security attacks on the rise.

What will privatizing super maximum prisons in Arizona mean for it's inmates, can they expect fair treatment?

The National Motorist Association has organized every states vehicle code on one easy to read page.

Denture creams and an anonymous comment.

A shooting in a Day Care center, are police changing their account of what transpired?

DNA evidence does not always give a complete picture.

The Fingerprint Sourcebook, can be a useful resource for the private investigator.

Two useful websites for the private investigator looking for information about potential bad relationships.

Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is a good resource for private investigators working College/University cases.

What is the number one lie in police work?

The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a nonprofit consumer organization.

A police misconduct website that provides a daily news feed and a national map.

Overhaul of Drug Court sentencing urged by NACDL.

Shortcomings of Forensic Science

This "Beta" link allows you to search Federal District Court filings and dockets online in each state.

Private investigator in St. Louis claims newspaper reports damaged his business.

Police in California outsource writing of police reports.

Boston police implements a new anti-lying policy.

Requesting public records in MA, sometimes results in long delays and high prices.

Animal cruelty charges dropped against a suspended Moorestown, NJ police officer who is still accused of sexually assualting three young girls.

New OUI defense by a former deputy, claims he has an alcoholism disablity.

How widespread are airline & pilot safety problems?

What have we lost with the new patient privacy notification law?

Local MA private investigator in the news.

Medical students are blogging and using social-networking websites such as Tweeter, posting confidential information about patients.

A nurse is arrested for not drawing the blood of a supected OUI suspect in a timely fashion?

Four men accused of rape by police in New York are exonerated but at what cost?

Blogger news; a New York Court dismisses libel case against unmasked commenter.

Blogger news; A California Court Creates New Procedure for Uncovering Anonymous Commenters.

The Boston Globe, reports on identity theft connection in Boston and California.

Police lineups lead to wrongful convictions, five states change lineup procedure.

Another criminal that won't need a private investigator.

A Judge and a prosecutor have a relationship during a capital murder case, what could be wrong with this picture?

Privatizing prisons raises ethical concerns.

Police across the country Tweet & Facebook to solve crimes.

Can hairspray be responsible for a false positive reading on alcohol monitoring devices?

Will police across the country use catheters on suspected drunk drivers? How close are we to becoming a police state?

A digital recording in Natick, MA and the police charge a man with unlawful wiretapping and possessing a device for wiretapping.

Identity theft on the rise, across the country.

Crime website shares crime data with the public.

Forensic Science Degree website provides useful articles and links to schools across the country.

How safe is your email password?

Indiana police force a catheter into a suspected drunk driver, even though the breathalyzer test showed he was under the legal limit.

Police in Arkansas shoot the Fire Chief in the back in a courtroom.

Financial hardship claims on the rise for jurors across the U.S.

The Alibi Network provides alibis & excuses for the workplace and infidelity.

A judge in Ohio orders duct tape to be put over a defendant's mouth.

Breathalyzer devices in vehicles have drawbacks.

Law clerk shortage in MA courts

Police chief wants amnesty for police officers in San Francisco, will other states follow?

Atrazine in our water supply, what are the risks?

Posting about an upcoming vacation or a new appliance purchase on your Facebook or Twitter accounts may alert thieves.

South Dakota Supreme Court ruling, limits police interrogation of interstate travelers.

Phishing scam targets Facebook members' accounts and their friends.

Fake stimulus check in Florida lures suspects to an auditorium.

Judges across the country are adding their profiles to LinkedIn.

DNA evidence and a mysterious chain of custody in New Jersey.

Will changes occur in the forensic science community?

Cold medicines being used in meth labs across the country.

Are Tasers responsible for setting people on fire?

Investigative & Security Professionals for Legislative Action.

DNA evidence can be fabricated.

Forensic Science Reform Website.

The Marriott Hotel in Stamford, CT; drops the claim that a rape victim was partially to blame for having been raped.

A recent study suggests 90% of all U.S. currency have traces of drugs on them.

Beware of the latest scam on Craigslist, if you're hunting for a house or apartment.

Law firm's being targeted with international fraud schemes.

Kenosha, Wisconsin: An official wants to fine the public if they swear at a police officer or a firefighter!

Hollywood, Florida: Fellow police officers cover up an accident of an officer.

Syracuse, NY: A woman is tasered by an officer who initially claimed she was on her cell phone. The incident is caught on video.

In Wyoming two officers taser a 76 year old man driving an antique tractor in a parade!

Did a Judge deflate a fellow worker's tires in a courthouse parking lot?

The Marriott hotel in Stamford Connecticut, claims a woman was negligent for her own rape!

ASIS releases a report analysis on organized retail crime

Are police in the U.S. using a disorderly conduct charge as an excuse, to arrest anyone they deem a threat?

The Smoking Gun claims to have identified the "telephone terrorist"!

Private investigator aids in exonerating Derris Lewis

Study in W.Virginia suggests racial profiling. If every state conducted a study what would the results be?

A new semantics based search engine

Can you violate your parole by acting on a TV reality show?

Blogging when impaneled on a jury trial, gets an attorney suspended.

A former NY policeman admits to racial profiling, how many across the U.S. are doing the same thing?

Can denture creams be harmful

Could chanting "I hate the police" get you arrested? An Attorney in Washington D.C. claims they did just that to him.

How many attorney's are Facebooking about cases etc.?

Judge throws out all charges against PI investigating Harvard murder

Tenant Tweets and is sued for libel by landlord

Bloggers, beware AP to monitor use of all it's online content.

Can anyone get unlisted cell phone records?

Free Google 411 cell phone business search will connect you for free.

Two police officers in Philadelphia tell one story but a video provides a clearer picture.

The Privacy Academy is coming to Boston Sept. 16th-18th

Will a private investigator be needed for a man who calls the police on himself?

Frank Hatley in Atlanta is freed from jail for non-payment of child support, for a kid that isn't his.

Supreme Court requires scientists to testify, regarding their findings.

Atlanta man jailed for failure to pay child support even when DNA tests prove he isn't the biological father.

"Crime checkpoints in Washington ruled unconstitutional.

Private investigator in MA assists in aprehending a thief living in New Hampshire.

Charges dropped against two men in a 20-year-old murder case.

Employers use LinkedIn over Facebook and Twitter in the hiring process.

Boston police and other police departments use Twitter to aid in the capture of suspects.

Private investigators may want to check Ebay for stolen merchandise after reading this story.

How is society affected by the "incarceration generation"?

Barrage of subpoenas spreads throughout Capitol in Harrisburg, PA

Police in Michigan purchase a doughnut store

Are scent dogs unreliable, is it junk forensics?

The Crime Report is a useful website for private investigators and criminal defense attorney's.

Crime labs across the U. S. in need of reform?

Houston crime lab in the news for possible misconduct.

Twitter leads police in NH to a person illegally dumping trash.

"" may provide useful information for the private investigator.

Can the TSA arrest the public without probable cause?

Video surveillance watchdog website for the U.S.

Private investigators can use this website to search numerous social networking websites with just one click.

Two free classified postings in Massachusetts, the private investigator may find helpful.

Digital civil liberties watchdog website

Man robs the Black Diamond Equipment company(mountaineering, ski shop ), demands precious stones!

Big brother is now using blimps to spy on the American public!

On the lighter side, this is one crappy restraining order (pun intended).

Federal accident records reveal the flying public maybe at risk!

The EPA is being sued over pollution claims.

A watchdog website for our judges & the judicial system

Privatizing jails in Florida were there secret deals made?

Trial Granted for Jailed Journalist Sam Dodson in New Hampshire

Man arrested after publishing a robbery he commited on YouTube

How far will the International brotherhood of police officers go, to receive what they want in Atlanta?

Publicly shared Wi-Fi could put your laptop & other wireless devices at risk.

Private investigators can use this website to search for complaints against numerous companies and products.

Investigators checked an alleged bank robber's MySpace account and find he posted how he robbed a bank!

Threats against judges & prosecutors on the rise in the U.S.

Are police sketch artists asking the right questions, are they providing accurate sketches?

Lying on a resume' can give private investigators some extra work.

Identifying the needs of the the forensic science community in the U.S.

Forensic science in The U.S. needs an overhaul.

Bitemark analysis is exposed as having serious flaws.

Software problems exposed for the Alcotest 7110 MKIII-C breathalyzer.

Tennessee may require fingerprinting if you are stopped for a moving violation.

Here are some new search engine websites that a private investigator may find useful.


A man is threatened then arrested for taking pictures of an ATM in public at an REI store.

Federal prosecutor witholds exculpatory evidence in MA. How many prosecutors are witholding evidence?

2010 Budget reveals new surveillance programs at the FBI

How difficult is it to encrypt the hard drive on your personal computer?

A new computational knowledge engine set to debut in May

Massachusetts CORI record abuse, should the state implement new safegaurds?

Private investigator calls an ambulance for this unfortunate man, who loses his manhood in accident.

Texas police seize black motorists' cash, cars.

In Nashville, Tennessee are tickets fixed if you have connections and what about other states?

What if a policeman posted an ad on craigslist for people to come take away your yard furniture?

Are Breathalyzers reliable or should we take the manufacturers word that they are accurate?

What's wrong with breathalayzers?

Omaha crime scene investigator accused of planting evidence.

Private investigators can search this social website, which allows mobile phone users to share their videos.

John Reid & Associates website offers tips to private investigators

Credit or Debit card skimmers found at ATM's

The Sentencing Project is a criminal justice reform watchdog organization

If you're acccused of an OUI don't use a breathalyzer the way this man does

Surgeons are Twittering or Facebooking in the operating room!

Red light cameras often mean shorter yellow signals and more money for the states coffers.

Open Secrets data archives is now downloadable

Beware what you post on Facebook or Twitter you might get evicted.

A Wisconsin prosecutor needs to find a woman to stick her head in a toilet bowl?

Are U.S. citizens being illegaly detained by local, state and federal authorities?

New TV show on The Discovery Channel to deal with DNA exonerations of those wrongly convicted of crimes.

Private investigators take notice, jurors may have been Twittering or Facebooking in a recent Bridgewater, MA case.

Fighting speeding tickets in Massachusetts...

Chelsea police in MA, force photographer to delete pictures.

Arizona police arrest a photographer for taking pictures of federal buildings

Did American Traffic Solutions a speed camera manufacturer, provide Louisiana with misleading results from two survey's?

Did the Philadelphia police narcotics division steal from merchants?

DUI charges dismissed in Chicago, falsifying arrest reports cited as the reason.

Can we video or audio tape in Massachusetts?

Open government guide for Massachusetts, will answer most public request questions.

Reporters Comittee for Freedom of the Press, is a great resource for private investigators to reference local requests for public information.

Pin number theft on the rise for debit and credit cards.

Google street view being used to catch cheating spouses

Could drinking fermented apple juice give you a false positive for an OUI?

DNA testing found not to be 100% accurate in Germany, how will this affect cases in the U.S.

A police officer in Washington, was arrested for drunk driving while he was in his marked police cruiser

How long before police in the U.S. will disable your vehicle at their whim?

Indiana state police officer Facebooking may face reprimand, how many officers across the country Facebook or Twitter?

22 year police veteran accused of robbing a bank in Houston

Doctors in Canada use faulty techinques due to watching television shows can the same be true in the U.S.?

Private investigator uncovered new evidence, which helped clear a man of murder

Jurors across the country Twittering or posting on Facebook

Eyewitness testimony and it's shortcomings

Resume dictionary is a useful tool for anyone looking for a new career.

MIT policeman purchases drugs while in uniform, using MIT police vehicle

Ohio court will take your case if you supply paper

DUI arrests dismissed due to lying policemen in Chicago

Where does your money go when paying a speeding ticket?

Medicaid fraud at $10 Million dollars in Florida how prevalent is it in every state?

Should people trust Yelp, are they selling reviews?

Youtube offers some instructional videos from private investigators

Rate doctors in the U.S.

Doctors try to halt patient reviews, what do doctors have to hide?

Local MA private investigator in the news

States testing for air toxicity, questions arise over conflict of interest

Police in FL charge a 22 yr. old with A/B on a police officer, then drop charges when they discover a videotape exonerating the defendant.

AAA announces speed camera alerts on website

Fourty one thousand new job postings at USAJOBS. GOV

Will lie detectors ever be 100% accurate?

Customers swipe their own credit cards at restaurants in Tenn.

Spy gear for the private investigator

Illegal speed cameras in California, fines upheld

Atlanta policemen convicted of cover-up

Wrongfully convicted of murder, Timothy Master's set free

Medicaid Fraud on the rise in NY

What is the probability fired employees might steal from their employer?

Mall advertisers hide cameras in outdoor advertisements

Security Jobs on the rise in the U.S.

Citibank losses 27 million dollars to a Nigerian banking scam

Mayor and police chief arrested in Louisiana

Locating building & fire research documents for the private investigator

Forensic failures in the U.S.

Speed Camera Fraud coming to a state near you?

How to accurately gauge the amount of visitors a website receives

D.C. Water Authority sued for $200 Million, demonstrates the need for private investigators

Facebook reverts back to old terms of service after public outcry

Is the UK a police state and is the U.S. close behind?

Why it's a good idea for private investigators to continue their education

Posting anything on Facebook becomes Facebook's property forever!

Is the IRS steroid investigation warranted?

Germany, Police caught tampering with Speed Cameras

Two Pa. Judges Accused of Jailing Hundreds of Kids for Bribes

Elderly abuse on the rise

Massachusetts incarcerating more people and keeping them locked up longer boosts counties coffers

Surveillance, Intelligence firms expected to grow in this economy

You won't need a Private Investigator to figure out who assaulted this man

Did police in Chicago torture suspects?

Domestic abuse on the rise as the economy falters

Eyewitness testimony leads to another wrongful conviction, albeit posthumously

Do meter maids in the U.S. have quota's or performance goals to meet?

Passengers can be frisked by police, even if nothing indicates they commited a crime

Are MA prosecutors witholding evidence

Is there justice within the Mass. legal system?

Overcharging patients and insurance companies, what's wrong with our healthcare system?

Are pilots texting and sleeping in cockpits?

Reasons to blog, what every private investigator should consider

U.S. nursing home database, ratings for health inspections, patient care and staff

High court OKs using evidence from search arising from police error

Death rates for heart attack, heart failure and pneumonia for every hospital in the nation

Business is booming for private investigator DiNatale in MA

Environmental watchdog website, provides numerous gov't. databases, toxic release etc.

Hazardous waste, toxic release website locator for the United States

FDA approves melamine in baby food?

Scammers billing millions of credit card users

Here are three links to aid in researching whether schools are healthy

What affect does living in close proxomity to industrial plants have on us?

Leaving a trail of bread crumbs after a robbery or better yet let's use popcorn!

A web blog about surveillance for the private investigator

How To Find the Sender's Original IP Address Using Email Message Headers

Chains' ties run deep on pharmacy boards, who runs our states pharmacy boards?