Sitemap - 2011 - Politically Incorrect News

How the Federal government is tracking your children.

A federal appeals court has given telecommunications companies immunity for helping the government spy on you.

TX- Recent DNA exonerations have revealed troubling gaps in the criminal justice system.

Change your Facebook setting now to avoid letting people hijack your account.

Elected officials in questionable alliances with gangs in an effort to secure votes.

Wrongful incarcerations totaled 1,480 in the last five years, a Times report finds.

Amazon may begin spying on Kindle users.

Retailers are watching you shop, how long before authorities are linked to the feeds?

Alarming study reveals our school children are being Tazered and pepper sprayed.

South Carolina- DNA points to another suspect so why is the prosecution still charging Billy Wayne Cope with murder?

Seattle- A recently released report on officer-involved shootings says SPD culture must change.

The CIA's watchdog has no problem with it's relationship with the NYPD.

The Pentagon influenced TV analysts so the public would support Iraq/Afghanistan wars.

Inaccurate background checks can have devastating consequences.

A new study says nearly 1 in 3 Americans will be arrested before they reach 23 years old.

The lack of autopsies being performed in hospitals allow them to hide possible malpractice.

AT&T and Sprint claim their customers agreed to be tracked by Carrier IQ.

Are deaf people receiving a fair trial in our justice system?

The Dept. of Justice report says the Seattle police department used excessive force.

UK- Police include Occupy movement on ‘terror’ list, how long before the US follows suit?

ACLU report- Protecting privacy from aerial drones.

Genealogy websites remove deceased individuals SSN #'s from their listings.

Justice dept. finds widespread use of excessive force by Seattle police.

DHS and an American-Israeli anti terror think tank are accused of spying on environmental protestors.

Could being Facebook "friends" overturn a conviction?

The FBI might have access to every keystroke on your smartphone.

Newly released emails show a disturbing relationship between American Traffic Solutions and police.

Carrier IQ claims it wants to be transparent about its monitoring of smart phones.

New survey suggests more than 20,000 innocent people are behind bars in the US.

FBI claims Carrier IQ files are being used for "law enforcement purposes."

Should ICE be allowed to police itself?

Collection agencies resort to throwing American's in jail for unpaid debt.

ProPublica found that whites are almost four times as likely as minorities to be pardoned.

A convicted man was in jail when he was accused of an armed robbery.

The first known arrests of U.S. citizens by police using a Predator drone occurred in North Dakota.

Gamma International videos show how to hack WiFi, Skype and email.

Anatomy of a bad confession Parts 1 & 2

Williamson County District Attorney Ken Anderson is being investigated for allegedly hiding evidence that might have exonerated the defendant.

Pepper spray inventor Kamran Loghan questions police "use of force" regarding non- combatants.

Will the government start reading your texts & emails?

Mitchell Katz lawsuit against former private investigator's in California begins,

The consequences of militarizing our police force and how it affects every American.

Dartmouth College has started a new website which allows users to determine if a digital picture has been altered.

Are witnesses memories of crimes accurate?

A flaw in "Skype" could expose your location, identity and the content you're downloading.

The Herald-Tribune examines how Florida police officers can stay on the job despite multiple complaints, crimes.

Idaho Court of Appeals upholds warrantless search of cars in school parking lots even though students have not committed any crimes.

Why is MA one of only two states in the country without a law granting prison inmates the right to test DNA evidence?

Can science bring justice to arson trials?

The FBI is using "Community Outreach" programs to gather intelligence.

DNA evidence exonerates suspects, so why do some prosecutors continue to push for convictions?

Las Vegas, NV- A five part report shows the need to investigate officer-involved shooting deaths.

Newly released documents reveal the TSA wants to body scan pedestrians, train passengers.

A smartphone App. downloaded by 1.5 million people sends user data to an advertising company.

DHS wants to create a single database to spy on Americans.

Security App. on millions of phones records peoples keystrokes.

Malls cancel plans to track shoppers by monitoring their cell phone signals.

FAA says drones could soon be patrolling the skies in the U.S.

Hacker attacks on smart phones are increasing.

Private investigators are being hired to trawl social-media websites.

Dept. of Justice report: More than half of arrest-related deaths are homicides by law enforcement.

If you post on Facebook recent rulings say your posts are discoverable.

Do police need a warrant to read your email?

Malls to begin tracking shoppers cell phones, where is the public outcry?

Weapons manufacturing companies increasing role in marketing non- lethal options to police.

MA- A State police captain suspected of drunk driving was arrested in his unmarked police cruiser but not given a breathalyzer or a field sobrierty test.

License plate readers in the U.S. and how it affects our privacy.

In the last decade the homicide rate declined to levels last seen in the mid-1960s.

Tampa, FL- The police department's recent purchase of an armored personnel carrier (tank).

Is Facebook holding back your personal data even if you request it?

New documents reveal how governments are spying on its citizens.

Some police departments are encrypting their radio communications but at what cost to public transparency?

Search Facebook & Twitter messages without logging in.

Medco report finds one in five Americans turn to medications to treat mental disorders.

Law enforcement guidelines for 1st. Amendment-protected events.

US Dept. of Justice investigates shootings by the Miami police department.

TX- District Court Judge rules law governing warrantless cellphone tracking is unconstitutional.

DNA evidence exonerates the accused so why do DA's continue to prosecute?

The New York City ACLU filed a lawsuit defending the public's right to take pictures in the subway.

Cincinnati protestor charged with disorderly conduct after taking pictures of a covert police vehicle.

TX- Police to begin using an unmanned aerial drone to spy on citizens.

Big Brother in your automobile, how your high-tech car can testify against you.

Opt-out of Google's wireless database.

Facebook admits it tracks anyone who visits its website even if you're not a member.

Why don't Americans stand up for their privacy and civil rights?

The FBI can shield its terrorism-investigation data from the public.

Why the militarization of our nation's police force should concern everyone.

Federal Appeals Court in VA. rules police can break into your house without a warrant.

MelonCard allows you to remove personal online information using one website.

NY- The Border patrol's transportation raids show a disturbing disregard for our Bill of Rights.

A disturbing article about "Intellistreets" or spying street lights.

Update from the "GPS" Supreme Court arguments.

Collision magazine is another useful tool PI's can use when looking into automobile accidents.

Insurance companies use investigators to spy on your Twitter account & your Facebook page.

California man finds two GPS trackers on his SUV.

The U.S. Supreme Court will address the ‘Reasonable Expectation of Privacy’ issue on Nov. 8th.

NY to begin using GPS tags on domestic violence offenders it will warn victims if they get too close.

More Courts across the country are telling police, citizens have the right to record them.

Can science help bring justice to those charged with arson?

U.S. Federal authorites use Stingrays that can "spoof" a cell phone tower to spy on Americans.

14 new ways that authorites are watching you.

Will Americans be ticketed by speed cameras on highways?

Why everyone should be concerned about police using unmanned aerial drones.

Governements use hacking techniques to spy on its citizens.

DHS infiltrates hotels and takes over their TV's

New video acknowledges "Intellistreets" street lights are equipped with spying capabilities.

Verizon Wireless revealed detailed personal information of its customers.

The first shoes with a built-in GPS system will go on sale for about $300.00

Will Klout create a profile on you even if you don't authorize it?

PA- Mayor fights to access police department files to investigate claims of police abuse.

Accu Weather app. lawsuit claims it can track a users' location "to within a few feet."

The US Public Interest Research Group has released a new study questioning the wisdom of privatizing law enforcement.

Last year more police departments tried to erase online evidence of alleged police brutality.

Nextdoor is a private social network where people post messages etc.

US government could lie about the existence of records under FOIA rule proposal.

RECAP allows people to search and use PACER documents for free.

US government tracks your prescriptions and shares them with police.

New street lights have Homeland Security functions and will spy on Americans.

Realtime communication applications such as "Skype" have flaws that could enable hackers to steal sensitive user details.

93 Milwaukee police officers and counting have been disciplined for violating law.

TX- Grand jury removes prosecutors so jurors could hear from a witness about potentially faulty DWI tests.

The FBI has been using Census data to create a national race-based law enforcement program.

The "Privacy" law allows police to read citizens emails and documents without a warrant.

Privato Spy is an online software program designed to gather information about a cell phone, but is it legal?

About one in 10 Americans aged 12 and over takes antidepressant medication.

Growing prison populations affect state budgets.

Tennessee becomes the first state to spy on Americans using the Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response Vehicles.

NYCLU study of stun guns in New York finds possible misuse in nearly 60% of incidents.

The FBI will begin rolling out its Next Generation Identification (NGI) facial recognition service in January 2012.

Concerns arise over alleged "Bite Mark" evidence, as city settles rape case lawsuit for $2.8M.

Criminal court judges are under investigation for possibly padding their incomes for using a judicial expense fund.

Federal Gov't. released tens of thousands of living Americans social security numbers.

"Smishing" or scam phone calls, spread to cell phones.

The ACLU is suing the city of Wilmington for info. on police stun-gun use and cell phone tracking.

Police unions fight against policies requiring officers to provide samples of their DNA.

Facebook is being sued for violating wiretapping laws.

The new iPhone 4S with the iOS 5 mobile-operating system means people will be tracked like never before.

The TSA's latest attempt to intimidate the public, interrogate every passenger before they board a plane.

Prosecutors don't need a warrant to obtain a cell phone's location.

An ex-prosecutor, who is now a judge, is accused of hiding exculpatory evidence.

How many NYPD police planted drugs on innocent citizens?

Why did Gizmodo escape indictment in IPhone prototype deal?

MA- Is there reasonable doubt in the Christa Worthington murder case?

Websites sharing our personal information with advertisers is a growing concern.

AK- Eugene Wilson's death, sparks a civil rights lawsuit.

MA- Cambridge police settle civil rights lawsuit.

IL- Clerk from the Sheriff’s department accidently faxed a note to local newspaper saying "Dismiss the case, he's a deputy's son."

New documents reveal a secret DHS program called its "pre-crime" system or Future Attribute Screening Technology.

The prison bureau's internal affairs office opened more than 4,600 misconduct investigations last year.

Wall St. companies sponsor the NYPD.

The largest identity theft case ever prosecuted in the United States.

CA- Governor Jerry Brown allows police to search cell phones without a warrant.

Chipley, Fl - Washington County Schools are adding finger scan devices to all of its school buses.

Smart phone users beware "Smishing" attacks are on the rise.

The Facebook logged-out user tracking patent

"Safety Zones" ban gang members from meeting or even speaking to each other inside a defined geographic area.

How to mine the web like a journalist.

Verizon internet says they're going to start sharing your local geographical location with advertisers.

NSA urges Congress to let them monitor public networks.

Police can search text messages from a criminal suspect's cell phone without obtaining a warrant.

The truth behind DUI checkpoints

Drunk driving is down 30% in the last 5 years according to the latest CDC report.

How did The FBI build its informant network and is it dependable?

GPS capable handsets will be required in all cell phones by 2018.

The secret memo that explains why the U.S. government can kill Americans.

Internet companies such as Google, Twitter and Facebook routinely hand over user information to authorities.

Judge rules prison privatization procedure unconstitutional.

What if We Didn’t Live in a Free Country?

Wall Street Journal tracks users' browsing data without their consent.

Is Posse Comitatus dead in our country? Wyoming police & military collaborate to fight drunk driving.

Facebook and Google secret revealed, how analytics shapes what you see in searches.

Why is it still a felony to record police in some states?

How long do cell phone carriers retain your data for?.

Anonymous cell phone identifier, Spy Dialer lets you find out who most cell numbers belong to for free.

Surveillance in MA is growing, a massive and unchecked surveillance society is being created.

Predator drones are being used by local law enforcement.

Diebold voting machines easliy hacked, while leaving no trace of activity.

FBI keeps people on terrorism watch list even though they've been cleared of any crimes.

How to get a copy of all the personal data Facebook has about you.

Prosecutors are extracting guilty pleas by threatening people with mandatory sentences or other harsher penalties.

Obamacare would send every American's health records to the government.

U.S. Federal Reserve to search internet for any reference of the term "Fed."

Indiana Supreme Court rules the "Castle Doctrine" is a thing of the past!

Our online habits are being systematically collected and marketed for corporate and political gain.

How a "Stingray" cellphone tracking device works.

The full capablities of the 'Stingray' phone tracker used by law enforcement is shrouded in secrecy..

Seattle police might be compelled to release certain records but they alone can decide if the case is still open, effectively stifling FOIA requests.

MA. Supreme Court approves charging people a fee, to fight traffic tickets etc.

Our cell phones could be monitored by the FBI & local authorities.

OnStar begins spying on its customers GPS locations, December 2011.

Hackers have broken the SSL encryption used by milllions of websites.

New law would encourage Americans to spy on each other

DHS expands "See Something Say Something" spy program by putting their slogan on coffee- cup sleeves.

Hackers can create spoofed security certificates for fake websites.

The Justice Department looks into police abuse across the country.

Coming to a city near you, Atlanta increases surveillance: "The goal is to have the entire city blanketed."

E-Verify would put an end to our privacy and give our gov't. more power to spy into our lives.

MA- Police chiefs try to pass a bill which would allow police officers out of jurisdiction to arrest citizens.

Flashing your headlights to warn other drivers is it free speech?

U.S. Congress contemplates making lying about your ID on Facebook a felony.

Was Kristine Bunch wrongfully convicted of arson and murder?

Brookline, MA- Town wants to require some merchants to be fingerprinted.

Court rules the warrantless cell-tracking claims need further study.

The rate of violent crime in the U.S. declined by 13% in 2010 according to The The Bureau of Justice Statistic's 2011 survey.

Police departments across the country are becoming increasingly militarized.

Most people can now be identified through a photograph of their face and anyone can do the research.

Fraud in Medicare can be more lucrative than dealing drugs.

Facial recognition technology is a threat to everyone's privacy.

National Coalition for Safer Roads is a sham, it's 100% owned by American Traffic Solutions.

How accurate is the new "emotion detector" which claims to see when someone is lying?

Synthetic drug sales on the rise as dealers cover their tracks and make misleading claims.

Security companies are profiting by overblowing stadium security fears, "scare the hell out of anyone who runs a stadium."

Don't use Google + if you want to remain anonymous, Google+ admits it wants to own your ID,.

Homeland Security Policy Institute releases a report with questionable results.

Fusion centers and other government agencies are a growing threat to our civil liberties.

MA- Police use license plate scanners on citizens who are not accused of any crimes.

Republican John Mica who created the TSA wants it dismantled.

L.A. Proposal: If you purchase spray paint you must show your ID which will be kept on file for two years.

U.S. Government wants to track pre-paid debit cards.

BART police consider restricting media and threaten them with arrest.

Tewksbury, MA- Schools get the latest high tech surveillance cameras, as police monitor students.

BART police arrest media & student journalists who were demonstrating in the free- speech area.

Know Your Rights Photographers Guide 2011: For private citizens (investigators).

Lab results show bath salts contain a variety of chemicals that can cause an accidental overdose.

Are the Mall of America's security guards targeting minorities and putting them on a terrorism watchlist?

Where is the outrage? Mall of America's security guards are putting citizens on terrorism watch lists.

Assistant district attorney Tracey Cline, is under scrutiny for questionable conduct.

23 Washington, D.C. police officers arrested.

Taser International has begun selling Axon, a video surveillance system that records police officer response calls.

The ACLU wins a victory in the battle against warrantless cell phone tracking.

Skimming debit & credit cards at gas pumps is nearly epidemic across the Country.

U.S. Attorney Jenny Durkan victimized by a debit card skimming device.

Traffic cameras are being used to catch criminals but at what cost to our personal rights?

Fullerton, PA- Police are accused of physically abusing & arresting people for videotaping them, legally.

IPhone 5 lost, what role did the San Francisco police play in entering a man's home?

South Carolina- Richland County sheriff arson investigation.

Hospitals can be hazardous to a patient's health.

MA- Sherrifs & other police departments oppose Governor Deval Patrick and push for Secure Communties program.

Will the NJ "Bullying Law"create a generation of spies?

Chicago, Il- Police departments are using which offers the public $25.00 gift cards to identify suspects.

Microsoft allegedly tracks the location of its mobile customers without their consent.

Michael Allison Faces 75 Years In Illinois Prison for recording police.

NH- House Bill 145, would allow citizens to videotape police officers without fear of arrest.

New Temple university study reveals that elected coroners are more susceptible to political pressure regarding their findings.

Skype reveals it monitors peoples contacts, does it monitor video conferences as well?

Global businesses are marketing drugs in the guise of supplements with questionable ingredients.

NYPD police commissioner admits a CIA officer is working in their department. allows you to store your smart phone videos, they're instantly uploaded to the web for sharing or safe-keeping.

Ask tough questions of your congressman and you might be put on a "Watch List."

The LAPD research paper “Fighting crime in the information age: The promise of predictive policing.”

The Charlotte-Mecklenburg police dept. predictive crime analytics presentation.

Informative story about private investigators in the UK. pledges to perform security background checks on all current and future members after settling a lawsuit.

MA - U.S. Court of Appeals says state law used to ban recording of police officers in public is unconstitutional.

A new study claims 83 percent of US Internet users between the ages of 18 and 29 use social networks.

MA- The state Appeals Court said yesterday that the government cannot unilaterally decide to keep DNA profiles of civilians who are not accused of any crimes.

MA- Debra Marquis filed a class action law suit against Google for scanning emails sent to gmail accounts.

NY- A 400 pound man goes free because of an unfair police lineup procedure.

Chicago- Tiawanda Moore was acquitted of eavesdropping charges against two police investigators.

What's the point of using your browser's "Do- Not -Track" setting?

Lawsuit claims credit reporter Infotrack Information Services misidentified 'hundreds or thousands' as sex offenders.

NY Judge rules a warrant is required to obtain cell phone location data.

The reliability of eyewitness identification is an issue in a case set to be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court in November.

Attempt to record police abuse in Chicago and you'll be prosecuted and may serve 15 years in prison.

Theft of children's social security numbers are on the rise.

How long before your car spies on your driving habits?

Advertisers & private companies are starting to use facial recognition software on the public.

MA- The ACLU files a lawsuit against the Boston police for access to their surveillance documents.

Police Chief Jim McDonnell states all police departments now consider photography & note taking suspicious activity.

Private companies can purchase personal information from state driver's license databases in bulk.

MA- DA refuses to charge Tyrisha Greene with illegal wiretapping after videotaping a police officer.

10 new ways that the U.S. government will be spying on people.

Bay Area Rapid Transit authorites knew denying cell phone service might be unconstitutional.

A recent study revealed false confessions may be more prevalent than previously thought.

The FBI press release about the alleged "Dirty Cop" and his friend, the private investigator.

Police to begin using facial & Iris recogntion Apps. which can also read fingerprints.

Are field sobriety tests designed for failure?

Massachusetts guide to public records by Commonwealth Magazine.

Mexico Court Records Website

Atlanta- Hundreds of police officers' certifications have lapsed and the arrests they've made could be dismissed.

Questionable field drug test kits are putting people behind bars when they test postive for drugs.

Lawrence, MA- Police continue to pay the salary of convicted criminal and ex-police officer Daron Fraser.

Fullerton, CA- The death of Kelly Thomas sparks weekly protests over possible police abuse.

MA- Two more people are charged with wiretapping after recording the police.

Long Beach, CA- Police Chief Jim McDonnell confirms detaining photographers is department policy.

MA- Tyrisha Greene videotaped three police officers beating Melvin Jones III and now the police want to charge Greene with illegal wiretapping.

Hacking home automated systems is on the rise.

Drug corporations spend billions a year promoting their pills to children.

NY- The NYPD and other police departments are forming social media units to monitor citizens.

Westport, MA- Officer Francis Napert III agreed to pay $50,350 to Carl Conforti to settle a civil rights lawsuit.

The federal courts are destroying millions of judicial case records in an effort to save money.

Judge, issued a "stay" of the Renton police cartoon search warrant.

How can discredited testimony convict Leigh Stubbs and many others in Mississippi?

Smartphones store sensitive personal user information while offering minimal security features.

Washington police investigate creator of cop parody videos.

More thieves & con artists are eavesdropping on smartphone calls and logging text messages.

Google spies on electronic messages that non-gmail accountholders send to people with accounts.

Miami, FL- The police issue General Order #11-03 policy on dealing with photographers & videographers.

Warrantless "emergency" surveillance of internet communications by DOJ up 400% .

NY- More revelations revealed concerning the Nassau County crime lab scandal.

Police are using a flawed scientific test in drugs busts that gives 'false positives' to strongarm citizens into plea bargaining.

Attleboro, MA- Another family files a complaint against the City of Attleboro and its police department.

Renton, WA- The prosecutor wants to send a cartoonist to jail for mocking the police department.

Printers, photocopiers & most office equipment have become a target of hackers.

Is your local law enforcement tracking your cell phone's location?

ACLU- Cell phone location tracking public records request.

The Mexican newspaper El Milenio uncovers systemic monitoring plans of public online sources,

Web tracking & mobile phone apps. reveal how our privacy is being invaded.

Maryland- A Judge warns of a ‘system of subterfuge’ in police interrogations.

Private companies are profiting by posting mug-shots online and then charging to have them removed.

U.S. Government asks for people who can monitor social media websites.

Settling police misconduct claims in Minneapolis could reach a record in monies paid this year.

Oak Hill, FL- The city council was so fed up they simply wiped out the entire department police department.

Federal Court allows the use of personal information on parking tickets.

A civil rights video is being circulated to all 18,000 U.S. law enforcement agencies.

A North Carolina jury has awarded $10 million in a wrongful death lawsuit against Taser International, Inc.

"Forcing Your Internet Provider to Spy On You Just In Case You're a Criminal Act of 2011."

Two hackers have found a way to unlock cars that use remote control and telemetry systems via SMS.

AntiSec supporters have targeted 77 law enforcement websites.

Montana- A Billings police officer charged with DUI, attacks breath tests and gains a mistrial. founder Noel Biderman said he would personally reimburse cheats who could not find a fling by following the website's guidelines.

How eavesdropping laws are taking away our best defense against police brutality.

Homestead, FL- Posse Comitatus is dead. The Air Force now responds to civilian crime in the small city, population around 30,000

When it comes to Tasers, how can a police department claim to have a near spotless record?

MA- The Boston police attempt to outlaw citizens from taking pictures of them by claiming it's a violation of the "wiretap law."

Student courts ( "Kangaroo courts") at college campuses can have serious repercussions for students.

Asking the right questions in a depostion can tell you alot about an expert witness.

10 ways private investigators can use LinkedIn to find sources, track changes at companies.

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals found that it's ok to collect DNA from those arrested but not convicted.

Rental companies could be allowed to spy on their customers.

Detroit- Between July 2006 and June 2009, the city spent $19.1 million settling police misconduct cases.

How soon before your local bar/nightclub broadcasts streaming live footage?

Google's Street View cars collected the locations of millions of laptops, cell phones, and other Wi-Fi devices.

When data breaches occur should law enforcement & private companies withold notifying the public?

Medical examiner Dr. Jon Thogmartin stresses the need for better investigations of child deaths.

Does the Local Agency Compensated Enforcement program encourage police departments to use speeding tickets to pay for their salaries?

Little-known firms use tracking data on millions of Americans and there is nothing they can do about it.

Companies are looking into a person's social media history before hiring them.

Are students cell phone records discoverable and can school administrators search your kids cell phone?

MA- The Supreme Judicial Court ruled Thursday that "Off The Record" statements are admissible in court.

MA- CopBlock founders found not guilty in wiretapping charges.

Casey Anthony case - The chief software developer of CacheBack used by the police to verify computer searches, reported errors in software.

How the drug companies got Americans hooked on anti-psychotic drugs.

Automatic license plate recognition devices, leave no doubt we live in a police state.

Huge privacy concerns arise over Iris scans being used by police.

Privacy concerns over a free App. police departments are offering, which encourages the public to submit pictures that have GPS capabilities.

Will visiting a doctor require your palm to be digitally stored and read?

How many phony locksmiths are operating in the U.S.?

After five instances of potential prosecutorial misconduct the Appeals Court demands James Simmons have a new trial.

New questions cast doubt on the guilt of Bruce Ivins who was accused in the Anthrax case.

Why don't police track how many of its officers have been charged with or convicted of crimes.

18 signs show the U.S. public school system is nearly equivalent to life in U.S. prisons.

Massachusetts police are using facial recognition technology to build a database of everyone they've arrested.

Your slippers & baby diapers can text you and private companies" don't think anything is off limits."

North Carolina- Anyone accused - not convicted - of speeding away from a police officer can have their vehicle impounded & sold.

Should police expect to be recorded in public.

Taking pictures in public may soon become "Suspicious Activity" if the Office of the Director of National Intelligence has their way.

Authorities across the nation acquired more wiretap orders in 2010 than any prior year.

MA - Supreme Judicial Court screws residents by upholding a $275 court filing fee required to appeal parking tickets.

VIPR Searches and the American Citizen: 'Dominate. Intimidate. Control.'

The NSA all but admits to working with Google.

A prelude of things to come? Your local firefighter policing the streets

This link shows why you can't hide in a crowd anymore, almost 10,000 people have been identified.

Funny PI cartoon

The National Sheriff's' Association & law enforcement representatives want to force internet providers to keep user logs.

The South Carolina Supreme Court faults town for failing to equip squad cars with dashcams.

Your cellphone voicemail is easily hacked, if you don't use a password.

Don't trust the Better Business Bureau's ratings.

Denver, Co. - Some police officers have discipline issues serious enough that their courtroom testimony may be suspect.

Department of Justice- We can force you to decrypt that laptop.

FL- What do jurors really know about a criminal case?

Part 2 - OSHA's "model workplace's" come under scrutiny.

Checkbook journalism, violates the SPJ's code of ethics and calls into question the veracity of reporting.

A new study provides new evidence on shaken baby syndrome.

VIPR searches are growing as our rights are shrinking.

San Francisco's crime cameras are being used by defense attorneys to exonerate falsley accused clients.

The militarization of the US police force.

Part 1- OSHA's "model workplace's" come under scrutiny.

Texas joined nine other states and passed a measure that requires police departments across the state to review their eyewitness procedures.

How consumers can opt out of online directory services.

Banks sacrifice customer privacy and sell your shopping habits etc. for larger profits.

A recent study of women convicted of crimes shows that dark-complexioned blacks serve more time in jail.

EFF. Org- When the Government comes knocking who has your back petition.

Brockton, MA- Judith Davis-Scott was arrested for taking pictures in her back yard.

TN- A deputy chief with the Hamilton County Sheriff’s office denies cheating on college work, is this happening in other departments?

The California Court of Appeal allows challenges to breath testing based on relation of lung air to blood alcohol.

Did Google breach and record 62 Million U.S. resident's email data?

Police State USA: The FBI and your local police are free to spy on anyone.

Charlotte County Commissioner Robert Skidmore won't be prosecuted are the politically connected above the law?

5 million MA residents have had their personal data stolen or breached.

Minor offenders in Boston are being ensnared in immigration program aimed at serious crimes.

Google can be held liable for damages for secretly intercepting data on open Wi-Fi routers.

Federal & local wiretapping applications rise 34% from last year.

The F.B.I. must release documents that may prove a Texas death row inmates innocence.

Microsoft admits that Americans will not be notified if the government wants your internet records.

The Arlington police department is the first to use unmanned aerial drones, more police stations to follow.

Homeland Security tells the media they are targeting the "homeland as a primary area of our emphasis."

"Should I Change My Password" website? Quickly checks if your password was compromised in a recent hack.

Can the media continue to help free the wrongfully convicted?

In what world do we defend the right of people to be arrested for non-crimes?

NY- Emily Good was arrested by the Rochester police for videotaping them and had her home broken into.Then the police change their story.

U.S. incarceration nation, with only 5% of the world's population we house 25% of the world's prison population.

Philadelphia police settle lawsuit over their "Stop & Frisk" policy.

An Illinois federal prosecutor knowingly relied on the false testimony of a witness in order to win a guilty verdict.

Why expungement of criminal records is a big lie.

One study finds sexting to be a common method used by those looking for extra- marital affairs.

The Nassau County, NY crime lab sends marijuana through Fed Ex and it disappeared.

Google turns over user data in 94% of United States demands.

MA- Could using your cell phone to record the police get you arrested?

Child abuse cases are we putting innocent people behind bars?

The argument for privatizing crime labs, could prevent errors and analyst bias.

Know your rights digital guide, easy-to-understand tips on interacting with police officers and other law enforcement officials.

The Louisiana Supreme Court ruling allows police officers to search your vehicle without a warrant.

Our Constitutional rights are being signed away.

A study conducted by Ponemon Research revealed that 90% of U.S. companies had been hacked last year.

Rochester, NY- Police target citizens who were attending a community meeting to discuss police accountabilty.

How technology helped make the 4th. Amendment obsolete.

The U. S. Supreme Court ruled defendants have the right to confront one's accuser in DUI and Lidar speeding cases.

LulzSec "released ‘classified’ data of alleged ‘racist’ Arizona law enforcement practices.

The TSA and your local police are treating Americans like criminals by searching people on buses, trains etc.

Florida sells drivers license information to a private company for $62 million dollars.

Montana- School authorities use drug sniffing dogs in schools, more evidence our students are being treated like criminals.

The Boston police, community ombudsman oversight panel has been stripped of most of it's powers.

Social Intelligence Corp. will store your Facebook, social media pictures for 7 years.

Rochester police arrest a woman on her front lawn because she recorded them.

Forensic uncertainty in Court affects everyone.

Altanta- 21 prosecutors have left the Fulton County District Attorney's Office.

Illinois- A new study reveals, "It is far cheaper to incarcerate the innocent than to compensate them afterward."

US Supreme Court rules exclusionary rule does not apply to unconstitutional car searches prior to 2009.

Oregon- Two DA's resign after alleged misconduct.

U. S. Supreme Court: No automatic right to have a lawyer provided in U.S. civil cases.

A woman hid a mink coat in her underwear for three days while being questioned by police in jail.

David Lundberg a private investigator, tracked down a homeless Utah man and informed him he had inherited a lot of money.

Are school shooter drills teaching our nation's police to think & act as soldiers? uses license plate recognition to allow businesses and other drivers to identify you.

Will the NSA will be reading every Americans emails?

Racial profiling by the TSA is a common practice.

Google's web mapping can track your smart phone.

Google can track what people are saying about you online.

Credit cards for sale in online malls?

Brady violations by the prosecution are epidemic according to the Harper's Magazine, April 2011 Issue.

Karl Vinson is proven not guilty of rape but The Wayne County prosecutor's office defends the rape conviction.

Waltham, MA- Police officer Paul Tracey is accused of intimidating Edgar Gonzalez.

Social media and the vanishing points of ethical and constitutional boundaries.

Police are pushing back against Americans capturing them at work on cell phone cameras.

MA- Glik v. Cunniffe case tests the rights of citizens to record the police.

Your local postal worker may soon join your local garbage collectors in spying on Americans.

Your 12 year old kid needs a drug test before they can join the school scrapbook club.

Free speech in schools is a thing of the past as recent rulings allow schools to punish students for off -campus speech.

A Facebook posting about a cash settlement in civil court, leads to her getting robbed at home.

Security checks for boaters on the rise in NY.

Nissan's electric cars secretly share drivers data with websites.

On May 16, 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court voted 8 to 1 to suspend the Fourth Amendment.

Who polices the police?

The F.B.I. is giving its agents more leeway to spy on Americans even if there are no signs they've commited any crimes.

Mistaken identifications by victims and eyewitnesses annually send too many people to jail for crimes they didn’t commit.

The U.S. Justice Department is stepping up its scrutiny of at least 15 troubled police departments across the country.

Arizona Prosecutor Dennis Wilenchik can be sued for bad arrests.

The U.S. DOJ civil rights division is looking into the Portland, Oregon police department's alleged pattern of civil rights violations.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, proposed a bill that would prohibit authorities from tracking citizens' locations using cellphones, GPS devices etc. without seeking a warrant first.

Six Cleveland police officers are accused of brutality and false arrest.

Bob McIntosh from Colorado was arrested for swearing at a sheriff's deputy.

The militarization of our nation's police force.

Fort Lauderdale Police "Rewriting Laws" to harass photographers.

Miami beach police accused of attempting to cover up a shooting by destroying a cell phone camera.

A man with Cerebral Palsy is suing the Loudon County sheriff for false arrest etc.

Chicago, IL- Michael Allison faces 75 years in prison for recording law enforcement.

Massachusetts will not sign onto the "Secure Communities" program.

Will a case in Delaware set limits on how far police can go when using electronic surveillance?

A man who paid his $25.00 medical bill in pennies is charged with "Disorderly Conduct".

Milwaukee- Police who are fired for for misconduct must be paid, with no provision for those officers to pay back the money if they lose their appeals.

Why it's so hard to prosecute health care fraud.

How two men Roy Olmstead and Charles Katz both convicted criminals created our wiretapping law.

Credit & debit card fraud is on the rise in the U. S.

San Diego, CA - The police department's scandal is a concern for residents as eleven officers are accused of misconduct etc.

Oakland, CA- Joshua Kaufman had his laptop stolen and used a new app. called "Hidden" to track down the thief.

Taxpayer identity theft is on the rise in the U. S.

MA- District Attorney Michael O’Keefe is alleged to have warned a bookmaker about a State Police investigation.

Is the DOJ doing enough to investigate abuses by big- city police departments?

The NYPD police "Stop & Frisk" activity shows an increase in the number of NY residents being stopped are minorities being targeted?

Are more states allowing Warrantless cell phone searches?

Can the PCL-R test developed by Canadian psychologist Robert Hare tell who's a psychopath?

Gary, IND- The police admit to having ticket quota's and claim they want to increase productivity.

Police officers in New Mexico can take guns away from drivers who pose no threat.

Are more criminals posing a police officers?

Thousands of PACER documents could have failed redactions.

The Government's war on cameras what are police afraid of?

Hyannis, MA- Duane Alves claims he was attacked by off duty police officers.

New web search "NEWSLE" tracks news articles and information about anyone in several places such as: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.

Internet Explorer flaw could allow hackers access to your Facebook, Gmail, Twitter accounts.

Utah's Sheriff Jim Winder unincorporated police departments within Salt Lake County and privatized them into one (corporate) police force.

Your location can be tracked using pictures posted online by your smartphone.

LAPD's new Chevy Caprice PPV car.

A Lawsuit alleges the NYPD of stopping random cabs and searching passengers.

Utah- Debra Brown was released from prison after being found "factually innocent" of murder, but Attorney General Mark Shurtleff is appealing the decision.

Two New York city police officers acquitted of rape are fired.

The Seattle police department will release names of officers who engage in misconduct.

CA-Democratic state Assemblyman Michael Allen seeks to change law which allow the police to use DUI checkpoints to seize cars.

Concerns grow over police department's use of unmanned drones to spy on Americans.

Companies accused of SEC violations investigate themselves.

New study suggests people who use hand sanitizers could fail alcohol test.

A former Watertown police officer Roberto Velasquez Johnson is charged with informing on other officers to drug dealers.

An FBI agent assigned to move a rare Ferrari wrecked it during a short drive in Kentucky and the U.S. Justice Department refuses to pay restitution.

NY- Oswind David is still In jail 5 years after charges were dismissed.

With so many surveillance cameras at intersections etc. why do police not want to be videotaped?

Margart Lin Owens claims the St. Louis police department fired a chemist in its crime lab after she complained about mistakes in criminal cases.

MA- The Supreme Judicial Court claims a technician's records will suffice in Breathalyzer cases.

Sen. Rand Paul Speaks on PATRIOT ACT

Medical examiners may not be immune to bias

Texas- Harris County police do not agree with a Medical Examiners findings and then cast doubt on her credibility.

Patients are not being informed when doctors use their own medical devices which can pose a potential conflict of interest.

Los Angeles, CA- 2,100 police departments across the country have volunteer police working in some capacity.

The D.C. medical examiner's office loses accreditation.

The Indianapolis Crime lab errors could date back to 2004 affecting numerous cases.

A Florida report suggests workers insurance fraud cases are on the rise in the U.S.

A recent NYU School of Law study suggests U.S. government entrapment in bombing cases.

Our privacy matters and we should all be concerned about the Government keeping files on its citizens.

Wakefield, NH- Police chief Ken Fifield justifies DUI checkpoints by claiming driving is suspicious behavoir.

A public records request has revealed a systemic problem with the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies that affects more than 800 law enforcement agencies.

Harvey, Miss- Jessica Cheatteam a 15 year old teen is afraid to testify and is jailed for contempt of Court.

Arson cases are being challenged more often as uncertainty about the origin of fires has increased.

MA- Police want to work with Insurance companies to help pay for services.

MA- Defense attorney Barry Wilson objected to juror selection and a judge gives him jail time.

Up to 20 million Americans 'overcharged' by AT&T for data usage.

The Indiana Supreme Court ruling brings threats to police and Courts.

Fraudsters and hackers target computerized medical records.

The FTC claims your "Dropbox" files are not secure.

A security hole has been discovered in Google's Android operating system for smartphones.

Mountain View, CA- Bank card "skimmers" found at 5 gas stations which stole more than 3,600 credit card numbers.

Washington, DC- Prosecutors are under investigation for possible unethical behavior in the prosecution of drunk driving cases.

Breath tests performed by a DataMaster DMT machine at a Vermont State Police barracks could be faulty.

Americans are being searched at airports and their belongings seized without probable cause.

Why are Americans silent about losing our Fourth Amendment?

The Spokane, WA. Sheriff's Office views photography as suspicious activity.

Does racial bias exist in the North Carolina justice system?

CA- The Bay Area Rapid Transit police officers who fatally shot an unarmed passenger are found not guilty.

Small businesses are being "purged" so that insurance companies may profit.

Philadelphia police threaten to shoot a man who was legally allowed to carry a gun.

East Lansing, MI- Judge rules blood- alcohol tests are unreliable.

Are Judge's more critical of accepting "CSI" evidence?

Cash-strapped communities across Massachusetts are ramping up pressure on Beacon Hill to legalize traffic surveillance cameras.

CT- Questionable Medical Examiner's findings after a man died being Tasered 34 times by the police.

Employee background recommendations.

PLEASANT HILL, CA - The former police commander of Contra Costa County’s drug task force is accused of running a brothel.

Michael's Stores Inc. approximately 80 stores were targeted by thieves using "Skimmers."

The Indiana Supreme Court has ruled that people cannot keep police from entering their homes, even if the entry is "unlawful."

Texas bans TSA Security pat-downs.

Facebook caught exposing millions of user credentials.

Florida-The Intoxilyzer 8000 breathalyzers reliability called into question.

Newark, NJ- The ACLU sues the FBI for racial profiling information.

NH- Two suspended prison guards are ordered back to work.

NYPD Deputy Chief Michael Marino was caught purchasing steroids and has been placed on probation for a year.

New rules will force N.J. law enforcement to publicize complaints against officers.

MA- Did state prison employees make threatening phone calls so they would get more overtime shifts?

Police bust a Root Beer keg party and force 90 teens to take breathalyzers, not one teen tested positive for alcohol.

Social networks and smart phones can threaten your security.

Forensic scientists advocate for a “duty to correct" faulty findings.

Newark, NJ police under scrutiny as the U.S. Justice Department launches a formal investigation.

The Bartow, Florida Sheriff's office and two dozen other police agencies in Florida are using a new Taser.

National security secrecy costs now exceed $10 Billion

Domestic Surveillance Court Approved All 1,506 Warrant Applications in 2010

The Prism company in Cambridge, MA. sells backpack spy technology to police and refuses to identify the police departments.

San Jose, CA. 865 DUI cases in which breathalyzers were used are deemed faulty.

Are insurers writing health reform regulations?

Europe- Fingerscan verification tests by the government show failure rates of 20-25%

The FBI blatanly lies to the U. S. District Court about FOIA requests.

Illionois Governor Pat Quinn terminates secure communities with ICE.

The State of California is looking to set a precedent with a "Do Not Track" bill.

Texas wrongfully convicted Anthony Graves of murder then refuse to pay settlement, they have the audacity to claim he owes child support.

Does your cell phone violate your rights?

Juveniles in Chicago are serving jail time even when the prosecution can't produce the "Smoking gun."

Retired Justice John Paul Stevens urges congress to crack down on prosecutorial misconduct.

Former Hawkins County prosecutor Doug Godbee has been arrested in sex-for-leniency case.

The 2010 NPMSRP police misconduct statistical report.

8 Pittsburgh prison guards arrested for forming a secret vigilante group against inmates.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials are accused of using aggressive and overzealous tactics.

A digital camera in a cat-shape: “NECONO DIGITAL CAMERA”

MA.- MBTA asks citizens to spy on fellow Americans as our Bill of Rights becomes history.

Harris County, TX. used Doctor Dr. George Denkowski a forensic psychologist after being reprimanded.

If an airline attendant dislikes a passenger they could end up on the terrorist watch list.

Scanners are being used to tell consumers their clothing size with little concern for their safety.

Police can now place a GPS device onto your car without a warrant.

Facebook is being used in 90% of divorce cases.

Phone companies cannot store the massive amount of text messages sent by customers.

What has happened to investigative reporting in America?

Police across the country are searching Americans smartphones for minor offenses.

PA- Regional Forensic is run by Rhonda Henderson, a forensic nurse whose flawed findings triggered a review of dozens of sexual assault cases.

Franklin, MA- Four former Dean college students have settled a lawsuit against two Franklin police officers.

Find your stolen camera by searching web for uploaded pictures.

County jails deploy whole-body scanners, how much radiation will inmates be exposed to?

Weare, NH- Police practices protested in front of the police station which closed during the protest.

Three Philadelphia police officers indicted for steroid distribution.

The Chicago police agree to stop spying on citizens who have not committed any crimes.

Tom Tom divulges peoples driving habits so police can set up speed traps.

New study finds that 50% of those deported in MA. and other states have not committed any crimes.

NY- The Kings Point community will scan every license plate even if no crime has been committed.

NYC police accused of violating peoples rights, continues to stop and frisk people who haven't commited any crimes.

TALLAHASSEE- The Florida Supreme Court rejected evidence discovered by drug sniffing dogs.

The Third Circuit allows the Government to acquire cell phone data without probable cause.

The police can trace your phone in under 60 seconds.

Title III wiretapping do the Courts look the other way when the Government crosses the line?

Study reveals the New Orleans police department has numerous problems.

Las Vegas, NV- A police officer beats a citizen for videotaping him.

Apple tracks IPhone users every move, where is the public outrage?

The IPhone Tracker: is an open-source application.

Google doesn't deny it collects users private data.

Police are increasingly using businesses and minature cameras to surveil Americans.

Boston, Ma- "The Police Complaint Assistance Project" is no longer associated with Suffolk University after the Boston Police pressure the University to end it's support.

Glenn Greenwald Part 1: Justice for Who? Is our Justice system a two-tiered system rich vs. poor?

Charles Daum, an attorney in Washington, D.C. was charged in a seven-count indictment along with two private investigators.

The TSA deploys VIPR "Gestapo" police across the country.

FL- Kenneth city mayor Teresa Zemaitis calls sheriff on the local police department's practices.

How to win your case against the accuracy of speed trap cameras.

The Las Vegas police department is accused of corruption after shooting Treven Cole.

The Ohio Association of Chiefs of Police mismanaged and misspent almost $5 million in federal grants.

Thieves claiming to represent Sovereign bank are using an automated dialer and recorded message to try to steal account information.

Identity Fraud Survey Report: Consumer Version 2011

MA- The Supreme Judicial Court ruled marijuana odor is no longer ‘reasonable suspicion’ for police.

How the dearth of social networking privacy rights revolutionized online government surveillance.

Does the IPhone secretly store and track your movements?

The Law Enforcement Surveillance Reporting Gap

NY- 400 police officers accused of fixing tickets in a widening corruption scandal.

The Michigan State Police are using portable devices to extract personal information from citizens smartphones.

NY- A woman receiving a monthly settlement from her ex-husband, is caught bellydancing after she brags about her activities on her blog.

The Government wants to allow police to track Americans without a warrant.

MA.- Suffolk District Attorney Daniel F. Conley finds fault with a judge who does not always believe police testimony.

Iowa police covering up racial profiling.

With little oversight law enforcement requests to read peoples emails, Facebook accounts etc. is on the rise.

Kentucky residents are being encouraged by Homeland Security to spy on their neighbors with the introduction of a new IPhone app.

The founder and treasurer of the National Association of Special Police and Security Officers was charged with mail fraud.

Police posting comments on Facebook etc. can be a double edged sword.

Miami police chief, Miguel Exposito says his police like to hunt: “Our guys were proactively going out there, like predators.”

Clerk-magistrates, with lifetime tenure and no mandatory retirement age, rule the roost in Massachusetts courthouses.

MA. House Budget 2012 CPCS reccomendations.

National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project April 2009 – June 2010

TinEye is a reverse image search engine, a useful tool for searching Facebook images etc.

San Francisco wants to require people to show ID's if they attend a place of entertainment with a 100+ person capacity.

Connecticut bill would allow citizens to videotape police without fear of arrest.

Is buying fake ID's for your "service animal" a growing trend?

CA- The government is seizing property from safety deposit boxes.

Using thermal cameras to spy on Massachusetts residents a growing trend?

Spanish to English suspect translation guide for police and private investigators.

FBI Vault website contains more than 2,000 documents that have been released through the Freedom of Information Act.

MA- Law enforcement can only use wiretaps when the investigative targets are engaged in organized crime.

Pandora's mobile app. can transmit your personal data to private companies.

The Indiana State Department of Toxicology lab knew of potential errors as early as 2008.

CA- Private investigator Chris Reynolds investigated Dr. Thomas Gill, a forensic pathologist who left a trail of bungled autopsies across Northern California.

Gwinnett County, Atlanta- Missing drugs and cash in the police department and no one is prosecuted.

Florida- A man who spent 18 years in prison is freed after DNA test proves he was not guilty.

Pandora along with makers of numerous apps. are subpoenaed over data use collection.

Wisconsin- A blatant effort to turn impartial judges into politicians with robes.

Man falsley imprisoned for 19 years, attorney's claim they never saw the DNA report.

There are no uniform standards for the storage of DNA evidence in crime labs across the country.

Denver- DA offers bonuses to prosecutors who achieve a predetermined standard for conviction rates at trial.

Nine states will take a suspected drunk drivers blood if they refuse a Breathalyzer.

Google is attempting to make an App. that will identify people's faces.

Transmagic a 3-D software developer is accused of secretly planting surveillance technology in its software which "commandeered the computers of its customers.

Insurers being fined for numerous violations across the country goes unreported by the media.

Your Smartphone is tracking your every move and this information is available to marketers and law enforcement.

The new "Creepy" app. is a geolocation information aggregator.

Michigan Supreme Court ruled police officers can be videotaped when performing their public duties.

MA.- Disorderly conduct charges called into question.

Is Samsung using keylogging software on their new laptops?

Social media tools are being targeted by criminals to acquire coporate secrets.

According to the FBI there were over 500,000 disorderly conduct arrests in 2009.

Drug dogs are certified in only two states and yet they are being used in ever increasing numbers across the U. S.

Private prisons are burdening states with huge tax payments.

Should law enforcement be required to obtain a warrant when using cell phone data of U. S. citizens?

Attleboro, MA- Police receive a complaint against two officers which falls on deaf ears.

U.Va. Law Professor Brandon Garrett's Book Examines Wrongful Convictions.

MA. Two police officers accused of using drugs will not be prosecuted or lose their jobs.

Government agents can delay advising people of their Miranda rights, how long before it's abolished?

Corporations data on Americans is expanding into people's personal habits etc.

The FBI and local police to target Americans suspected of crimes.

Atlanta- Judge tosses out a man's indictment because the courtroom wasn't open to the public.

Philadelphia police admit to wrongfully charging more than 1,147 people with DUI's.

DHS encourages Americans to spy on each other during the NCAA tournament.

How much does your state know about you?

The U. S. military can manipulate social media websites and spread pro-American propaganda.

Is the U. S. court system waking up and questioning criminal science?

Did the corruption investigation into Boston politics go far enough?

Privacy policies on websites do they disclose enough?

Insurers are ruling some claims as suicide even though medical reports listed them as accidents.

An unprotected wireless router nearly leads to an innocent victim being arrested and labeled a sex offender.

A University of Georgia student used Facebook to foil armed robbery.

Police state in Oklahoma City, a new bill authorizes law enforcement officers to arrest someone without a warrant.

Nation Institute of Justice report: A better way to interview child victims of sexual abuse.

The world’s smallest digital video camera is the size of a grain of salt.

Why Former Attleboro, MA. Police Chief Richard Pierce was forced to retire.

Rehoboth, MA- Three police officers accused of conducting background checks used to intimidate a town official.

Is net neutrality being threatened by large corporations?

FOIA requests and how buried statutes are keeping information secret.

Committee for Public Counsel Services a model for the country comes under fire by Governor Deval Patrick.

Is the war on drugs a war on the "underclass"?

Police use of steriods on the rise.

Budget cuts in police departments allow private contractors to step in.

Law enforcement use of global positioning (GPS) devices to monitor motor vehicles: Fourth Amendment considerations.

The DHS created "The Precious Treasure Holiday Company” website which was used to entrap people.

Miami, FL-The police can now spy into your homes without a warrant.

Utah passes law restricting FOIA requests, will other states enact similar legislation?

The TSA is turning our country into a police state.

Tennessee: A police detective posed as a defense attorney so a suspect would incriminate himself.

Anatomy of an epidemic, prescribing medications to millions of Americans and the long term ill effects it's causing.

Sacremento, CA.- Police to monitor private business security cameras, without a warrant.

The Federal Government's Secure Communities program will soon be in every community by 2013.

The DROP pension program in CA allows police & firefighters to abuse the system and collect extra money before they retire.

Incriminating alcohol tests face fresh scrutiny.

DHS is turning America into a police state on May 11th., 2011 with the introduction of "REAL ID."

Why police aren't whistlebowers.

Is the Bill of Rights Being Eroded?

Bad lawyering puts a man on Death Row.

Are police using pre-made templates for DUI arrest reports?

DHS Training Program: Security guards in NY trained to spy on public.

Portland, Oregon- Police officers use Tasers on 2 men who had surrendered, and the lengths police will go to avoid a lawsuit.

Journalists in the U.S. are admittedly bias, and have no problem advancing the Governments interests.

Freedom of Information Handbook, provides sample letters etc.

"The Problem with Prosecuting Police"- The National Police Misconduct Statistics and Reporting Project.

Ashley Madison's website for "dating" the infidelity economy is alive, well, and profitable.

Sealing Court Records & Proceedings a pocket guide 2010 (Federal Judicial Center)

MA., residents need a bill to allow the public to videotape or photograph the police without fear of being arrested.

NY- "Stop and Frisk" policy occurs mostly in black & latino communities and most lack any legal justification.

Why is it so hard to prosecute a cop?

US vs. Raney case shows the Government will go to great lengths to prosecute an innocent person.

Is the U. S. Coast Guard bankrupting the owners of ocean freighters?

The U. S. Government can create fake people on social media websites to promote it's political agenda or use it to destroy people's credibility.

Attorney's are using Google and social media websites to determine if people will make good jurors.

Orange County, Fl- Security guards chase boy into traffic resulting in his death, they claim he was in violation of the mall's dress code!

NY County Crime Lab closed because of continued drug testing errors, etc.

Baltimore issues over 2,000 red light camera tickets with dead officer's signature.

Lawrence, MA- Police are facing so many lawsuits the city will no longer defend them.

NH- Police officers propensity for lying is classified as "Laurie Materials" what is it called in other states?

Fema centers to hire corporate executives and sign non-diclosure agreements. No reason to doubt they will abuse their power and spy on Americans.

PA- Former Judge Mark A. Ciavarella Jr. convicted on 12 counts of racketeering & conspiracy in the kids-for-cash case is free on bail.

MA- CPCS funding for private investigators is in jeapordy, we need your support.

Unique "usernames" for Ebay, Facebook etc. can be tracked by criminals, spammers etc.

Bloggers supposedly received $10 gift cards in exchange for writing a positive story about Toyota.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) & the NBA All Star game are encouraging U. S. citizens to spy on each other.

What's wrong with expert tesitmony and did expert testimony convict an innocent woman of murder?

Indiana State Department of toxicology falsified hundreds of test results.

Chicago- Araceli Beas was driving her car and allegedly updating her Facebook page when she fatally struck a pedestrian.

Seattle police officer Steve Pomper's article offers a disturbing view of police department policies in our country.

Deep web research 2011 for private investigators.

Fox news and other media outlets make up stories and air them to a gullible public.

US Chamber of Commerce lobbyists attack & discredit liberal bloggers.

Atlanta, GA- Police won't harass, arrest citizens who videotape them in public.

Washington, DC- 1,400 drunk driving cases are called into question using breath analyzers that are found in most police departments nationwide.

Nova Science: How Smart Are Dogs? Shows dogs use cues from their masters to pick the correct objects, how are "Drug Dogs" influenced?

Lawrence, MA- Police officer Daron Fraser found guilty of Assualt & Battery.

Lawrence, MA - The city agrees to pay $400,000 to Manuel Colon because police officer Carl Farrington assaulted him in 2006.

David Haddigan a former Walpole police officer resigned after being accused of stealing repeatedly from a supermarket, now works in the Norfolk County Sheriff's Department.

Jurors are so convinced that a Cleveland teen should not have been charged with assaulting another teen that they've gone beyond acquitting him.

Flex Your Rights founder Steve Silverman offers insight on dealing with police encounters.

Police state U. S.- Federal Court upholds DUI jailing of sober man who blew a .03%

AAA endorses illegal speed trap in S. Carolina, and says this should be replicated everywhere.

"Professional Courtesy" in police departments, why aren't police being held accountable when they break the law?

Shaken-baby syndrome faces new questions in Court, experts disagree about evidence.

Philadelphia police make filing complaints against fellow officers extremely difficult.

Sacremento, CA. Judge orders juror to turn over Facebook postings.

How the "CSI Effect" is influencing courtrooms in the U. S.

MA Chiefs of Police December 2010 newsletter, contradicts the NECIR investigation claiming their is no evidence of racial profiling in MA.

Frontline" Post Mortem" death investigation in America.

Lawrence, MA. former police officer Kevin Sledge recieves a 10-12 year sentence for raping a woman while on duty.

How flawed are death investigations conducted by medical examiners and coroners in the U. S.?

ProPublica report shows Massachusetts has four uncertified medical examiners and no accreditation.

ATM skimmers can be located at the front door or lobby of banks etc.

Pro Publica reports 2,300 coroners & medical examiners offices found to have serious flaws.

Congressman Darrell Issa wants our government to track people who submit Freedom of Information requests.

Detroit: An audio recording of a confrontation with police should overturn man's conviction.

DHS's "See Something Say Something" Program at Walmart claims their first victim while on his cell phone!

Providence Community Corrections Inc. PPC operates in 45 states with obvious inherent problems associated with judges owning an interest in private probation companies.

Private investigators and the public can take pictures or video of Federal builings (courthouses) without fear of being arrested.

Massachusetts: The Center for Constitutional Rights has filed an amicus brief Glik v. Cunniffe, et al. to protect citizens filming police.

Florida, police claim citizens filming them or buildings is suspicious and they could be arrested.

David Icke: Wake up America your country is a police state.

Domestic spying by your local police department using "aerial unmanned drones" is a cause for concern.

Memphis, TN. Police & the FBI surround a church while peace activists were inside and claim it was only a misuderstanding.

Santa Monica, CA. Mall security will record your license plates and send them to the police.

MA. Governor Patrick wants to end the Committee for Public Counsel Services, the state’s public defender agency.

Chicago police want to prosecute citizens who record them without their permission but the police can do just that without your permission!

Cracking the credit card code, what do all the numbers on your credit card mean?

Fusion Center in Chicago claims to predict crimes and it's spreading to other Fusion centers.

Private investigator Andy Spieler from NY is hired by parents to spy on teens.

Traffic safety campaigns like the "move over" law have no factual basis.

The FBI and local police want your garbage collectors to spy on U. S. citizens under their new program called "Waste Watch".

Worcester, MA. police officer Carlos Burgos found guilty of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.

The Justice Department created an internal watchdog which it claims will punish prosecutorial misconduct.

Our government routinely gains access to Americans’ private online information through secret court orders.

Washington, DC. If you refuse a bag search and leave the subway you could be followed by the FBI, Homeland Security etc.

Looking For Rights At Harvard by Kaveh L. Afrasiabi Ph.D

FBI say's crime is down arcoss the country, homicides are down 40% and the list goes on!

Study reveals top ten violence-inducing prescription drugs.

Why are FOIA requests in MA being stonewalled?

Secrets of a former credit card thief.

Private investigators beware, Homeland Security releases a list of what could be considered suspicious activity.

National Oil Spill Commission Report claims the Deepwater Horizon oil spill could have been prevented.

Seattle, WA.- The Aug. 30th. fatal shooting of John T. Williams leaves many unanswered questions.

Brooklyn College, NY- A hidden camera accusation landed a student an involuntary two-week stay at a psychiatric hospital.

Police Pdf's. of manuals, General Orders and Protocols of the Richmond, VA. police department offers insight into how police departments operate.

Steroid use amongst police is a national problem.

San Francisco, CA. Another crime lab accused of producing misleading results.

Worcester, MA. A woman filed a lawsuit against a police officer claiming she was falsley arrested and beaten.

Pittsburgh, PA. Drugs burned before trials, jeapordizes DA's cases.

The Legal Information Institute

8 Springfield, MA. officers named in police brutality lawsuit.

Cornelius Dupree Jr.'s exoneration is a classic case of eyewitness misidentification.

Cursing in PA is now legal, do we live in the dark ages?

Chicago: Analysis shows drug sniffing dogs are often wrong and can lead to unjustified searches.

6 Computer Security Issues Every Layman Must Worry About.

Seatbelts were not worn in nearly 1/2 of the fatal police police car crashes in the U. S.

Crime Labs across the country in crisis: Are shoddy forensics being used to secure convictions?

DNA clears Texas man who spent 30 years in prison.

Surveillance and censorship in Britain and the EU is it coming to the U. S.?