Sitemap - 2015 - Politically Incorrect News

Churches are conducting "Holy Ghost pat-downs" and mass shooter drills

How to delete your personal info. from the internet

Surveillance cameras can track multiple people

Star Wars terror warnings, planned at least six months in advance

When did people stop believing in freedom?

Police perform ‘stop-and-frisk’ searches a block away from Star Wars premiere

Hospitals and private companies are conducting mass shooter drills with police (Updated)

Police to classify those accused of animal cruelty 'as crimes against society'

Homeland Security Corporation, incorporated 9/12/01 is profiting from pot businesses, breathalyzers and pot kiosks (Updated)

You can be denied the right to fly if you cut in front of a flight attendant! (Updated)

Police think waving kids across the street is suspicious

Are there any differences between Nazi Germany and American police?

Police use advertising to justify stopping, pedestrians and motorists at heroin checkpoints

DHS's everyones a terrorist app. comes to New York

Kid's toys are recording and transmitting every conversation (Updated)

"Smart" apartments are spying on everything we do

Foreign governments are spying on 'suspicious Americans'

Law enforcement admits they're arresting people based on ideology to 'get them off the streets' (Updated)

Cablevision, AT&T, Verizon etc., can block content they don't like

Adam exposes the junk science being used by police and courts

DHS claims terrorists could be impersonating cops

Your social, political and religious views are now deemed suspicious by police

Reporter admits all news is fake

Walmart and other stores use facial recognition to spy on you

DHS/Police are paying school kids to spy on classmates (Updated)

Police claim forcing people to submit their DNA will help reunite families

"Boaters have no expectation of privacy" according to DHS's new boater surveillance program

Cops used StingRay surveillance to listen in on phone calls of innocent Americans!

Police State America claims traveling from one city to another city is SUSPICIOUS

Everything we think we know about addiction is wrong

Nine years later police finally admit StingRays spy on innocent people

Commuters are being surveilled billions of times a year

FBI Director claims police don't like being recorded, calls it a "chill wind blowing through American law enforcement"

Is LexisNexis's predictive policing turning innocent Americans into criminals?

Police/DHS are using 200,000 garbage trucks and possibly 300K people to spy on Americans (Updated)

Police ticket citizens for good behavior while businesses profit

Law enforcement forced to return tanks but can keep Humvees

The secret history of American spying

Google, the NSA & DHS are creating a global DNA database (Updated)

Police are using super-secret x-ray vans to scan the public (Updated)

The EPA, Homeland Security's newest army

Churches are paying the gov't up to $100 a month to spy on families!

A murdered farmworker reveals who's really behind exonerating police shootings

Matthew Drudge warns everyone about the growing police state

DHS uses an alleged unbiased report to justify using X-ray body scanners

DHS/TSA demand mayor turn over his passwords and say he has “no right for a lawyer to be present” (Updated)

60% of Americans don't trust our mass media

DHS and the UN's worldwide police spying program "strong cities network"

Your television and cable box are spying on EVERY purchase you've ever made

US Customs is collecting the personal information of every Amtrak passenger

Internet surveillance revealed

Police question woman for wearing a protest T-shirt as she walked past the 9/11 memorial

CCTV's are about to become quite scary

DHS is creating a nationwide boat tracking system

Retired cop reveals the misconduct and corruption he witnessed on a daily basis

Police are allowed to spy on your cell phone's location without a warrant

Media group with ties to the CIA and DHS wants to create a 'global fact checking network'

Cartoons expose the American police state

Auto insurance companies and car dealerships are spying on you (Updated)

DHS will soon decide whether you'll be granted the privilege to drive in America

How to avoid smartphone surveillance

DHS and judges want alcohol ignition interlock devices installed in every vehicle

DHS/FEMA have created a national patient tracking system

DHS's crystal ball will identify and arrest future school shooters (Updated)

Obama's attempt to nationalize our police

Seattle is tracking your smart car, smartphone and Wi-Fi devices again!

Garbage trucks have been spying on Americans since 2010 and now they're recording your license plate

Police are reading your bank & debit card balances without a warrant!

The DEA is spying on thousands of patient medical files without a warrant

The disturbing link between mass shootings and anti-depressants

Attorney who stood up for his rights is illegally arrested at a DUI checkpoint

DHS investors are sending police to train in Israel

Police State America is giving EMS crews, tanks, Kevlar helmets and ballistic vests (Updated)

Windows 10 is full blown electronic tyranny

Police want citizens to voluntarily give them their family photos and medical info.

Private citizens can ticket and arrest anyone for traffic violations in Tennessee

American journalists considered enemies of the state

TSA airport style searches on all Amtrak trains!

DHS works with movie theaters to search your handbags and backpacks

Predictive Policing Bulls**t: Boston Police Commissioner claims new marijuana initiatives will lead to home invasions

Risk assessments are being used to sentence people to jail and death

Snuggly the Security Bear and Mitch McConnell beg Americans to let them spy

(Updated) Why the TSA lawsuit against whole body imagers concerns everyone

Corruption is legal in America

Are DHS 'front' companies capturing your kids irises and fingerprints?

Why are police departments the largest group attending international defense expos?

Police state America invades movie theaters

Credit card companies are forcing everyone to use "smart" credit cards in their war against cash

Universities are using data analytics to assess students mental health and much more

Police can steal your money and property even though you haven't committed a crime

CNN claims cops are afraid of lit cigarettes

Problems with police sketch artists revealed

Native Americans are being killed by police at an alarming rate

American students are given threat assessments (Updated)

Having air fresheners in your car and not answering a cops "basic questions" is suspicious

America's militarized campus police can shoot, mace and beat citizens!

Retired General Wesley Clark wants disloyal Americans jailed

The Feds want speed limiters and surveillance devices installed in every car, truck and bus

Americans being given threat assessments while travelling inside the U.S.

US government secret police program exposed

Study proves the war on drugs is a failure

Our homes are given color-coded threat ratings

Nearly half of America's police departments use public surveillance cameras to spy on Americans

Police claim anyone that spends a large amount of time on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube is a potential terrorist

The DOJ, FBI and the IRS put Obama opponents in jail before his re-election

Oregon has begun using a pay by the mile surveillance program called "OReGo"

Feds claim to have lost audits for Fort Knox gold

Black women speak out about their degrading police encounters

New 'hostile vehicle' police term for recording or talking back will bring DHS and K9's

Government documents prove they're preparing to put dissidents in camps

Google might have your voice on file

B.S. study claims blue eyed people are likely to be alcoholics and have psychiatric illnesses

Police officers describe what they really think about de-escalation training: They 'put guns up peoples noses'

DHS/Police say criminals drive cars that's why they're using a new infrared license plate scanning system

Feds claim there are close to 9,000 untrained police departments in America

Supreme Court says police don't need a warrant to take the blood of alleged DWI drivers

U.S. police kill more people in a FEW days than most countries do in years

New Pentagon manual says journalists should be treated as possible enemy combatants

Health & Wellness programs are really a national 'behavioral' surveillance program

Churches are using facial recognition software to spy on members

Why are police nationwide training with Blackhawk helicopters?

Supreme Court often sides with police in misconduct cases, resulting in more police powers

Massachusetts police the most secretive in the nation

Transportation departments want surveillance blimps

Police shoot middle school kids during 'TEMS' active shooter drills with EMS and firefighters

Has the 4th. Amendment become meaningless?

DHS whistleblower says they tried to take her child and gun permit

Police State America sends 800 cops to illegally search people's homes looking for escaped prisoners (updated)

IRS emails admit they know targeting activists is wrong but don't care

DHS is training EMS and firefighters for urban warfare

FBI/DHS ignores UN international human rights treaty want to deny Americans the right to encrypt messages

Police are behaving just like intelligence agencies

How DHS has turned America into a police state

Feds want new cars to come standard equipped with alcohol sensors

NSA whistleblowers reveal our governments spying secrets

Police union claims setting up a panel to examine racial profiling and cop killings would rob police of money

DOJ/DHS is spying on anti-govt or ‘far-right’ social media usage

Idiotic CIA Director says debating mass surveillance aids terrorism

American internment camps are just the beginning

Police state America's national railroad police

Journalist Bob Schieffer says corporate controlled news stories are wrong on purpose!

DUI checkpoint cops claim citizens don't have a right to question police

Former police chief says police should stop hiring bullies

Ten rules for dealing with police

Police agencies and politicians fight body camera recommendations

Many police departments have been federalized by DHS

DHS/Police are going into bars with Breathalyzers!

Police States of America

The Police Chiefs Assoc. wants a national drone policy

Homeland Security is paying police to set up DUI checkpoints

Checkpoint refusal documentary

Obama/DHS want to 'officially' create a national police force

Police State America: Jesse Ventura and Alex Jones

Court: DHS can use it's cellphone kill switch anytime, anywhere

Warning: You WILL be interrogated for driving within 100 miles of the Canadian border

Judge: Police are conducting 3 MILLION "investigations' of motorists every week!

DHS is using state police to set up a national domestic drone spying program

Corporate spying on Americans, is worse than you can imagine

School Districts are spying on everything your child does: "Anything that can be counted or measured will be"

DHS's latest attempt to keep the public in fear, claim lone-wolf attacks could happen any day now

Germany unveils a statue of three American heroes who have lost their freedom for the truth

Rookie officers suing fellow cops who 'intimidated' them and illegally searched their cellphones

Stop The 2015 Patriot Act

DHS is working on an RFID biometric ID badge that knows when you go the bathroom

Big Brother can put a GPS tracker on your car if they consider you a 'threat' and there's nothing you can do about it

CNN reporter disgusted by martial law in Baltimore

DHS chief claims the 4th. Amendment is beyond his competence!

Three Former NSA officials say America is a police state

Heavily armed soldiers patrolling Baltimore streets!

Americans find out they're living in a police state

DHS and Northwestern univ. publish B.S. study claiming teens on drugs will become violent adults

New govt report shows how they subverted the constitution so the NSA could spy on everyone

Exposing our justice system's close ties to the for-profit prison system

What everyone needs to know abut police 'Stingray' spy equpiment

Police can't drag out traffic stops so they can bring in a drug dog

DOE/DHS warns of B.S. terror threats to our electric grid

U.S. Army General speaks out about the 9/11 false flag event & our govt's role in it

Never give police permission to look through your cellphone says former prosecutor

Police/DHS and Motorola are using private surveillance cameras to create a massive spy network

‘Bloggers’ are compared to ISIS during a congressional hearing

You're more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist

NSA review committee's unanimous report: ‘No significant value’ in mass phone surveillance

Former prosecutor: Police planting weapons on innocent suspects used to be "standard operating procedure"

Inaccurate police drug testing kits are a 'secret'

Police State America: Florida police dress like the military & pull you over in tanks

DHS is influencing America's TV shows, movies, electric cars and much more!

DHS is behind 'Smart Meter' surveillance meters

The absurd American police state is in our schools

FBI tells law enforcement to throw out cases rather than disclose Stingray information

DHS run DEA has been secretly spying on billions of phone calls for decades

The TSA is now training armed officers

Police state America is kidnapping your pets, demanding money or killing them

John Oliver discusses govt surveillance with Edward Snowden

Homeland Security is using the police to turn America into a giant surveillance state

America's hidden secret: state and city budgets rely on ticket & court revenue

Snuggly The Security Bear & Police State America

What's next in police state America? Why cars equipped with DUI interlock devices of course!

New Daily Show host: “I never thought I’d be more afraid of police in America than in South Africa"

The numerous ways DHS spies on Americans

Senator Chambers asks what are America's militarized police afraid of?

The TSA/DHS police state expands to biometric iris and fingerprint scans at airports

John McAfee: 'Stingrays' being used to spy on him and the public without a warrant

What's next in police state America? Why armed TSA police of course!

You're being programmed into accepting a national driver's license known as 'Real ID'

Mall security is using facial recognition to spy on everyone

Near total surveillance of evey motorist in America

Amtrak/DHS is spying on passengers and letting police access records without warrants

Your cell phone is secretly taking pictures and videos of everything you do

NSA whistleblower: Our govt wants to control the population

What's next in police state America? Why wearable alcohol biosensors of course!

NSA whistleblower: It's all about control & keeping the public in the dark

Jesse Ventura: Who's funding terrorism?

Judicial advisory panel allows FBI to hack computers worldwide

DHS considers gamers & photographers a suspicious activity

American statism is the most dangerous religion

Every terrorist attack in U.S was a false flag attack by our govt

Warning: Your neighbor's BBQ could be a terrorist meeting

Thoughts about our liberties from former Maryland police officer Neill Franklin

FBI plans to expand its 'suspicious activity' reporting and link to the 'Sentinel' system

Operation Vigilant Guard being used to acclimatize citizens into accepting the police state

Is your favorite website spying on you?

DHS claims ISIS terrorists could be working in mall kiosks

Snowden digital surveillance archive available for public use

Library 'security guards' are acting like police, searching for suspicious people

DHS/police Stingrays can disrupt cell phone service

Private police forces are growing under DHS

Group of retired & former law enforcement officers demand accountability & reform

Former CIA analyst says Americans are next to be tortured in the “war on terror”

Police state America 2015: Forced blood draws, DNA collection and biometric scans

American citizens are being beaten by police & held without legal counsel

Can the items you buy be used to identify you?

4,000 Pages Of Stingray Surveillance Documents: EPIC

Security is an illusion, American spying is the worst in world history

Disturbing "peace officer" video

DHS/NHTSA studies claim drunk driving is decreasing, claim drugged driving is increasing

The internet is the only free press we have

CIA controls mass media like the NY Times, Time Magazine and much more

Has our Constitution become a worthless piece of paper?

The govt reads all your old emails and doesn't need a warrant

DHS claims revealing info. about "Internet kill switch" will endanger law enforcement

Police and social workers using govt questionnaire to see if you & your family could be terrorists

Dept. of Justice claims the only limit on spying is, census data(maybe)

Police change tactics, call tanks "armor protected ambulances" and rescue vehicles

Former NSA director: The govt. spies on “interesting” – not “bad” – people

DHS is giving police departments social media surveillance software

Why free speech is fundamental to every American

Big brother is spying on you in parking lots and hotels

Former FBI assistant director: to keep budgets high, we must 'keep fear alive'

The FBI/DHS are creating a national DNA database on everyone

The DEA has created a massive national license plate reader spying program

Police & our government are seizing motorists assets & keeping the cash

DHS run police departments are using community outreach programs to spy on citizens

Police provide proof that license plate readers are creating a database of Americans driving habits

The NSA & the telecom industry, a century of secret deals

Police are using a secret new radar that can see inside homes

DHS is masquerading as Medicare/Medicaid to collect everyone's fingerprints

Airport customs agents are taking detailed notes & sharing them with the FBI

Olympics in Boston? Residents should prepare for missiles on rooftops

DHS run police departments are using ‘ShotSpotter’ to spy on public conversations

Spineless senate won't vote to defund DHS

Has martial law begun in America? Soldiers & tanks are now the norm on America's streets

Mass. law enforcement agencies claim they're corporations and they're exempt from FOIA requests

Man detained for 19 days because he declined to answer questions at an illegal checkpoint

Speaking out against the police could soon be a 'hate crime'

Police are using Doppler radar to spy on you in your home