Sitemap - 2017 - Politically Incorrect News

FCC creates national Blue Alert system just in time for the holidays

Gov't eyes are watching every move you make

Justice Department claims that increasing traffic stops by 56% will lower crime (Updated)

Bus drivers have become 'true police informants'

Big Brother installing surveillance cameras in places of worship

Do self-destructing apps keep Big Brother from spying on your messages?

New cars to be equipped with 'complimentary' TSA PreCheck biometric scanners (Updated)

Police in three states use hospitals to take motorists blood without a warrant (Updated)

Facebook's new suicide detection A.I., could put thousands of innocent people behind bars

Four camera surveillance PODS coming to a city near you

Police are using DNA mugshots to arrest innocent people (Updated)

How police union leaders make "the guilty innocent"

NYPD deploys commando equipped police at indoor and outdoor venues

Is silicon valley building the infrastructure for a police state?

The National Guard and law enforcement use secret planes to spy on our cell phones (Updated)

Pay-By-Plate, bridge and tunnel surveillance cameras, spy on everyone (Updated)

Police to use oral drug testing to arrest thousands of motorists (Updated)

Halloween, college snowflakes costume video

NVIDIA wants to turn police vehicles into 360 degree facial recognition platforms (Updated)

University with close ties to DHS, claims ShotSpotter saves lives (Updated)

Real-ID allows police to control 'fundamental aspects of our daily lives' (Updated)

NHL to install facial recognition cameras to limit their liability

Cities are getting paid to turn street lights into spying SmartNodes (Updated)

Amazon & Walmart's in-home and car delivery service will let police conduct warrantless searches (Updated)

States use stop sign cameras to make millions

Google Clips automatically identifies everyone including your pets (Updated)

'Virtual Block Watch' wants every home to have four surveillance cameras to spy on the public

Smart billboards target individual motorists and spy on license plates and cellphones

Spying bicycles let police know who and where you are (Updated)

Hundreds of universities have helped DHS create a nation of fear

DHS pays police millions to ticket and prosecute motorists

'Variable Speed Limits' allow police to change speed limits on a whim (Updated)

Police are "terrified" of red balloons and terrorist clowns

Militarizing our police is not the answer

Are police using DHS drones to spy on 1.17 million NY State Fair visitors?

Police use 'immediate detentions' to jail people for more than 90 days (Updated)

Mobile biometric driver's licenses coming to a state near you (Updated)

TSA facial biometric body scanners and government watchlists being used in train stations (Updated)

Americans brace for major police presence during eclipse

Free Law Project's massive searchable database of federal court opinions

Police use 'code words' to warn fellow officers they are abusing citizens

Police departments are acquiring ice cream 'propaganda' trucks (Updated)

Former police officer trains bouncers to treat customers as possible terrorists

Facial recognition being used at conferences and events (Updated)

U.S. Virgin Islands being turned into a police state by a former NYPD police officer

DHS is paying college students to create extremist propaganda games and videos

Border patrol detained teacher who refused to answer question inside border

Star Wars movies to use facial recognition to spy on audiences? (Updated)

Bogus Fentanyl Drug Warning: Touching small amounts of drugs could be lethal to officers

'Police Specialty Courts' will let officers avoid prosecution

America's history of lying so we can go to war

A professor's 19 year crusade to end Miranda warnings because they're "handcuffing the cops" (Updated)

Police allowed to anonymously sue people

On vacation be back next week

Fire departments are installing DHS 'terrorism warning sirens' near schools (Updated)

Police stop and question 20 MILLION motorists every year or 50,000 every day (Updated)

Cities across the country are using street lights equipped with microphones and surveillance cameras to spy on everyone

Next Generation 911 centers spy inside homes and businesses (Updated)

Cops to be equipped with portable facial recognition breathalyzers

Army Colonel David Grossman teaching churches, schools and police the joys of killing (Updated)

Courts want the police and public to settle cases using smartphones (Updated)

Police sound cannons are just like flash bangs and concussion grenades

Police use non-profits and the public to pay for license plate readers and surveillance cameras

Police 'firewood' checkpoints coming to a state near you (Updated)

Transit police are accused of secretly spying on commuters travel plans, texts and emails (Updated)

Police are blackmailing motorists into installing cellphone monitoring devices (Updated)

TSA and CBP employees use their own judgment to decide who's a criminal or terrorist

Police given access to DHS's massive biometric database (Updated)

Police: The public can't use "words in the English dictionary" to find out about secret facial recognition cameras (Updated)

Church run police department has a pattern of abuse going back decades

California DOJ purchases facial recognition cameras to spy on everyone

Police & liquor companies claim drunk driving is decreasing and drugged driving is increasing (Updated)

Feds force hospitals to report alleged DUI patients to police (Updated)

Feds use private companies to spy on cars, bicyclists and pedestrians

Sports stadiums spy on everyone's instant messages, Tweets and sentiments

School-issued devices allow the Feds to spy on everything students have ever done

Police UAV supplier reveals how police lie to politicians and the public (Updated)

Police create new 'domestic violence' watch list which exempts officers

American Horror Story: Schools, banks and corporations decide who's a terrorist (Updated)

Facial recognition cameras being used in hotels, conference centers and stores (updated)

Comedian: The 'War on Terror is BS (Updated)

Disney installs metal detectors, bag searches and pat downs at hotels and park entrances

Big Brother to spy on our internet history and ISP address without a warrant (Updated)

DOT creating a nationwide spying database of everyone's cell phones, Bluetooth devices and license plates

NTSB convincing states to lower drunk driving minimum to one or two drinks (Updated)

Border Patrol agents given police powers to arrest tourists (Updated)

EMS teams compete against each other in national shooting contests (Updated)

CIA can spy on smart phones and TV's (Updated)

CIA "Signature School" is creating Smart Cities with thousands of cameras and microphones (Updated)

DOT's to use drones to spy on motorists (Updated)

Campus police use 'Bias Response Teams' and 'Threat Assessments' to control students

Mardi Gras and Bourborn Street have been turned into America's largest spying network

'Church' police could arrest sexually abused kids (Updated)

America one nation under surveillance

Retail store demands everyone submit to cop run facial recognition before gaining entry (UPDATED) is using facial recognition and more to spy on everyone

Police video editing and mass media lies

Passengers to be arrested for not showing their ID's

Bill of Rights (500 miles song) parody

America's fixation on over-criminalization costs us $152 billion every year (UPDATED)

The 'Global Elites' are installing next-generation spying smart meters in homes worldwide (UPDATED)

Police Commander: “Stop doing anything that could be construed as free speech without a permit”

Inaccurate million dollar breathalyzer "was deceptive and dangerous" (UPDATED)

Cops want Americans charged with a hate crime for criticizing police (UPDATED)

First Amendment library, the only one of it's kind in America

Stop police ALPR's Stingrays and drones

Feds force doctors & pharmacists to spy on 60% of Americans (UPDATED)

Feds want facial biometrics that can idenitfy people based on facial hair, skin tone, weight and more (UPDATED)

DHS creates the 'National Livestock Readiness Program' to control our food supply

Amazon & Microsoft use appliances and toys to spy on families worldwide (UPDATED)

Hair stylists, barbers, nail technicians etc., forced to spy on customers

Police are secretly installing GPS devices, audio and video equipment on boats